Happy Tuesday everyone.

We are in the thick of our softball staycation here. Staycations definitely have their perks. No tired traveling, packing, unpacking, flights, etc. However, I am definitely missing the warm sun on my cheeks and the not being in my own house looking around at the 200 things that need to be done. We are in the homestretch of getting everything done in time for Barb's party next week. Lots to do. And I'm a super, organized, all my ducks in a row type person. Imagine if I wasn't? Lordy. On the bright side, all of the outside spruce up is done. Not only for the party, but for ourselves. We would have had to do it anyway, just not as soon and under the crunch. So, we finished the outside yesterday and I feel real good about it.

Now, onto the projects for the actual party. Decorations, buying things, etc. I have 90% of it all, but there are some loose ends I need to tie up today and tomorrow. I can't do anything next week when we go back to work. Our lives are too hectic, especially with softball games. The only thing I will do next week is pray for sunshine (pleaaase pray with me) and buy all the fresh flowers and desserts and of course, decorate. They are coming to install the tent next Thursday, so I'll have all day and night Friday to decorate before the party on Saturday night. Oh and Char and I need something to wear. So we need to get on that. ASAP.

Charlotte had an early practice today for her Varsity team and went into help the JV team yesterday who were one player short for their game. She was the first to step up and say, "I'll do it Coach!" Love her for that. She did great. She hit a double to left field, a single, stole home. Go her.

Today, Web will be grading quarterlies (which I still need to do) and I will be running around town picking up odds and ends.

I just saw the forecast for Thurs/Fri here it will be 85 and sunny! YESSSSSSS.

Hope you are all doing okay and you're getting the chance to enjoy this spring.

Love to all xo Ann
