Ready, Set, GOOOOO.

 On vacay that is!

I just got home after a loooong last day and am super excited to say that our Spring Break officially starts NOW. Let's all have a moment of silence shall we? PEACE OUT school, for 12 days!

We had another late night softball game for Charlotte last night. Even though it was 65 degrees all day, once it hits that 5PM mark, well, the wind starts whipping and out come the winter jackets and heavy blankets. We are professionals at this point. The kid did great last night. Had some really beautiful plays in the infield. Really nice plays. She's settling into that shortstop position and becoming more comfortable with every game. It's nice to see the growth.

She just has practice today and her game on Easter Monday was cancelled. Yay! LOL But she still has a few games next week anyway. Just glad it's not the day after Easter.

We are heading over to Mom's for an early Easter brunch. Now that Chris lives in CT Mom tries to accommodate his travel time. Fine by me. I'm more of a brunch gal anyway. But super low-key. Barb's birthday shindig and constant softball games have taken on a life of their own and overshadowed a lot. So I'm good with a very chill Easter.

I'm trying to get this outside spruced up with every spare (HA) moment I have. But it's taking a hot minute. I have some pansies planted for color out there, but I have 2 flats sitting unplanted for a few days now. Just haven't gotten around to it yet. I will try and get out there later or tomorrow and start the final clean up.

Off I go to order the food for Barb's party. Last big thing, that and downloading 5 hours of insanely good dance music. OY!

Happy Holy Week.

Love you,

