Mid-Week Heey.

 We are still in post-party recovery mode here. Not joking. I'm still looking at wine glasses (clean) but all over the dining room table with other glassware, no laundry was done with the insanity of last weekend, so I've been trying to catch up with it in drips and drabs after work, but you know how that goes and Charlotte has softball all week. Jesus take the wheel. Oh, and The Web, Srs. are coming down on Friday.

Charlotte had a softball game last night. She fielded great, didn't do much at bat, but ya' can't rock it every game. My parents kept me company while Mr. Web couldn't make it because he had a meeting. We didn't get home until almost 7 last night and with barely any food in the house, it was a take-out night. Quite frankly, I was so cold and tired, food wasn't even on my mind.

Tonight, Charlotte has practice then a quick change and her NYSMA performance for flute. OY! Maybe by the end of June we can take a deep breath?  Maybe. Travel ball will be keeping us busy all summer as well as Charlotte working at that camp she worked at last summer. Busy little beavers...

So that's what's been happening so far this week. Tomorrow, Char has another game. Thank goodness it's home though. 50% chance of rain when her grandparents come down for Saturday's game, so we'll see. They were rained out last year when they came, too. Tough time of year to plan anything.

(love this dwarf berry tree in front)

 I'm still getting tons of texts and messages about what an amazing, EPIC party we threw for Barb! All that hard work and planning really was worth it. So glad everyone enjoyed themselves.

I'm now wrapping my head around my colleague's retirement party in 2 1/2 weeks. Lord. I can barely look at anything party related at this stage of my recovery! LOL

Off I go to pick up the girl from school. Love to all xo, Ann 


  1. I am hoping that we can finally have comments working. . .

  2. It worked! If anyone wants to comment on Annie's site, I think you can now.

  3. oh yayyyy! Comment away guys. Glad it works. We are getting there...


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