Tuesday Five.

 I'm still navigating my way around here so please be patient with me. By the way, I hope all of you followed me over here. We still need to figure out how to comment, etc... In time. But for now, this will do.

Tuesday Top Five. 3/21/23 (3:35 PM)

1. The Climb. 

The husband was hard at work this weekend helping me cross things off the party TO DO List. But in typical Web fashion, he will kill himself to get 12 things done in one day! I got this picture from Charlotte while I ran to the store on Saturday and I gasped! Just to give you an idea. LOL Well, he lived to tell about it. Phew. We tried to get a painter out to the house to fix the chipped paint on the round original window to the house, but that fell through. So, with our neighbor's super tall ladder, Web tackled it best he could. Good job Webber!

2. Mulch Madness.

Next on the big To DO. Mulch. We always tackle it around Easter, but with Easter falling so early this year and the party shortly after, it's tiiiiime. Don't know how much my hip and back can handle but I will try and complete it in teeny tiny baby steps. Slow n steady...Right?

3. Slugger.

Our Lil' Softball Chickie is supposed to get her Varsity jersey today. So exciting and nail biting at the same time. She's so humbled to be a member of the team, but probably a bundle of nerves as well. She'll shake it out once she gets going. Thank goodness tomorrow's game is just a scrimmage. Get those cobwebs and nerves out. Send her some good vibes and prayers please :)

4. Operation-Observation.

Nothing adds more to a stressful week than your last observation of the schoolyear. I would normally be finished already, but because last year and this year I took on that extra class, they have to observe me and extra time. I decided to do it on Thursday just to get it over with and call this year quits as far as evaluations go. Can't wait to be DONE :)

5. Amazon Haul.

What did we ever do without Amazon? I can't remember life without it. LOL But seriously, it has been a lifesaver when it comes to quick necessities for Charlotte's softball gear and my keeping warm gear. I just ordered a two pack of portable heated blankets. You charge them like your phone, a bulk box of handwarmers and a new festive spectator hat in her school color. I will also be rocking my heated vest from last year. You may think it's warm at 50 degrees, but when you are sitting still for two hours with the wind whipping as the sun goes down, yeahhhhhh, the frostbite starts to set in. So this Lil' Softball Momma is ready to ROCK!

Love you all xo, Annie
