First Post

 Well, this is a new look for us at The CWeb, eh? Hopefully, you found me. Ugh- Change, right? Sigh. Shutterfly was good to us for quite some time. Sorry to see it come to an end :( But we will give this a try. Please be patient with me as I navigate my way around here. Not sure how to upload pics yet. I will get there... Wait, I think it just worked. HA!

For now, this will do. We had some great news on Friday, that Charlotte is the only freshman to make it on the VARSITY team! Yessss. All of your good vibes and well wishes were felt for sure. And the endless congratulations on Instagram were so heartfelt and uplifting. I love Instagram. It really is my digital journal and keeps me in touch with so many people I work with, from college, you name it.

So the slugger did it! We couldn't be prouder. And so it begins... This week she has FOUR games! LOL Yup. So we are getting ourselves ready for a fun, softball season with her. I ran out with her this weekend to buy two new pairs of softball pants (white-yikes!)  

She will probably get her jersey tomorrow. She is so excited and so are we. Once I figure out how to post video and pics here, I will definitely keep you in the loop.

Have a great start to the week everyone. Thanks for all your constant love and support.


