Friday March 31st

Happy Friday everyone.

Well, yesterday we had the scare of our lives. Web came to see me at the end of 5th period, nervously sharing a text Charlotte had sent to both of us. I was teaching and didn't have my phone turned on. "If anything happens, I love you both, my teacher has my softball bat and is hiding by the door, we are in lockdown it's not a drill, the police surrounded the building." 

Yup. You could or maybe couldn't imagine that punch in the gut , sheer panic that set in for the both of us. There was no contact with her for a bit after that. The Asst. Principal covered my classes and as you could imagine, like any of you would do, I raced out of work. The entire street in front of Charlotte's school was blocked off by police/emergency vehicles. I was so panicked, I couldn't breathe, my heart was racing and I almost threw up driving there. I really can't put into words what that felt like, not knowing if your child was alive or not. It's s the most heart wrenching, terrible feeling and I never, ever, EVER want to experience anything like that again and pray none of you do. There are several conflicting reports on the nature of the almost 3 hour terrifying lockdown. A source from the police station told me it was a swatting call. Apparently, it also happened yesterday to another district in upper NY near Albany. Also causing major panic and complete chaos. I held my girl so tight yesterday I think I broke her rib. LOL  This world we live in, school safety and lack there of is a HUGE concern and issue. When will something be done?

We are so desensitized over all of these school shootings, it's awful, but in an instant, you get a text and now it's affecting your life, your family, the only person you love more than anything in the entire world. Your point of view changes...

For us, thankfully, it was a happy ending. For many, it isn't and it breaks my heart. Charlotte was locked in a room with her ex-military Spanish teacher who made them all feel safe and protected. He grabbed her bat and sat under the door. He made a knife by taping open scissors, he made a rope out of lanyards from the kids. This guy, is the guy I'm so grateful if anyone, Charlotte was with. But why do we even have to have a plan as teachers? It's insane. The only "protection" we have is the front door of the school is locked. No one feels "safe" and we shouldn't feel like that.

Okay, enough of that. My eyes are still swollen from the tears yesterday and my headache that's still lingering, forget IT. But, the show must go on right? Speaking of, I'm packing all of my cold weather gear and heading over to Charlotte's game solo tonight. Mom might meet me there, but it is so bitter cold. My parents braved the cold the last few times. It's brutal!

So send our girl some good vibes for tonight's game. She could use them.

Love you all and Happy Weekend xo, Ann   
