Tuesday Catch Up.

 Hi everyone.


Crawling along here. Haven't gotten my mojo back as far as "energy" since this last weekend away. It's bumming me out. Last night after school Charlotte, myself, Barb and Marina went over to Mom's to celebrate her birthday with a nice dinner, cake and presents. Man, did we laugh. Much needed. MUCH!

Finally finished the exams I gave on Friday. I've just had no time. I have to enter those into my Gradebook. We have Back To School Night on Thursday (which I DREAD) but it's part of the gig. Once that's over with, it's one less thing, ya know?  

Charlotte has practice tonight over where the Trump rally is being held tomorrow. They are basically shutting down everything over there tomorrow (it's about 15 min from our house). I know they closed school over there and businesses tomorrow because the rally is smack in the middle of the afternoon. So, I'm sure they are setting everything up over there tonight. I hope the traffic isn't too bad for her practice over there. But I don't have high hopes.

I'm off to get those grades in the computer and attempt to run a CVS errand, but this momma is beat! We pack up on again on Friday to head to Mass. at least it's for a camp and not a full weekend of 8 hour days playing ball.

Okay guys, hope you are all good.


