Happy Weekend everyone!

We made it. And on the unexpected good news alert (well, for Char) that Trinity College Clinic on Sunday was canceled. She has Homecoming tomorrow and honestly, I don't know how she would have dragged herself to that. So the Softball Gods have spoken and were looking out for the kid. I'm sure they'll be more clinics to go to. It's not the end of the world. We have been away the last 5 weeks in a row. It's time for a break I'd say.

I mentioned Web is taking his team to a meet then to Six Flags all day tomorrow, yesterday that trip was also canceled, but then back on as of today. Something about the bus not having out of state insurance. Who knows. So he'll be gone all day/ night tomorrow...

Guess I'm om Homecoming/Decorating duty solo again. Oh well...

The girl got her junior year school pics back. They came out so cute :)

Mom, Dad and Barb are coming over to have cake and presents tonight since I was away last weekend and didn't have much of a birthday, so they asked to come over and celebrate me :) Yayyyyy

Soooo, I've been cleaning the untouched house as best I can... Wow, when you're gone for that many weekends in a row, dust certainly piles up. Ugh.

Hope you're enjoying this fall-ish weather. Still humid and damp here 

Have a great weekend guys.


