Hump Day Check In.

 Two more days right? Oy!

Quick check in guys. Busy little beavers here. Charlotte is getting over a nasty head cold. I've been pumping her up with Vitamin C and cold meds. Seems to be working and she's coming around. Glad she has a bit of a rest this weekend until Sunday when she and her Dad will head back to CT just for the day so she can attend the Trinity College softball clinic. Ugh bet he's regretting it now, signing up for that now LOL  He's still limping around. He won't be around again this Saturday, he's taking his team to their annual Six Flags trip.

(rocking her MIT sweatshirt from last weekend)

I mentioned my Mom is coming over Saturday to help me prep all the food for Charlotte's Homecoming. At some point I need to drag down the Halloween/Fall decor and get some festive up in here. I think it will perk things up with all this fast paced insanity.

(cozy chill afternoon for once)

Going, going BUT SO excited for the weekend, then only THREE days of teaching next week and we have a real nice 4 day weekend. Charlotte will be going away so it will be great for her to finally spend time with friends.

After all of this craziness of not being home for the last 5 weekends and we still have 3 more weekend commitments, I'm SO glad we celebrated her SWEET 16 when we did. Man, am I ever excited.

So that's all for now. I hope this weather kicks into full fall mode soon.

I'm ready for the transition. Right?



