Friday Eve!

 One more day until this first week of school is behind us. Yay, yay...

I will be signing off for the weekend and will give you a tournament recap when I get home on Sunday.

Fingers crossed she will do well. I will be flying solo Saturday, like I mentioned. Charlotte and I will leave early on Saturday morning to drive to some town in CT I've never heard of. Play ball all day, then head to the hotel to collapse.

So tomorrow, I have a lot of laundry to do and packing up. Have to fill the tank with gas and figure out where I'm going. The Coach has a meet all day on Saturday. Lots happening.

Still seeing the doctor for acupuncture. This was my 7th session and knock on wood, seems to be working wonders. Yay!

Happy Real Birthday to Dad tomorrow (Sept. 6th) ! We had that nice celebration for him last weekend.

Charlotte has been keeping us busy with her travel ball practices every Wednesday and Thursday night. But the Thursday night practices we will carpool with two other players because it's a far drive. Insane.

Had the chance to scoop up the kid and 3 of her friends and take them out to lunch on their free period from school. It just so happens this year, as I'm literally driving passed her school on the way home from work, she has lunch and as a Junior, she's allowed to leave for lunch and go back. So today, I treated the girls to a Back To School lunch out and they were so giddy about it. It's nice to step outside that place even for a short bit, in the middle of the day. Was happy to do it.

So that's that for now, just a quick check in during this Back To School crazy week. Excited to start watching a new show on Netflix starts today, The Perfect Couple! Can't wait.

Lots of love,

