Upstate Recap.

 Good Monday Afternoon!

We are back from upstate. It was a quick visit but nice to see the upstate fam. Very low key. Got there much later than anticipated on Friday night, not until after 8 PM. The trip going was long -at least 7 1/2 hours - so we were beat by the time we got there. Woke up on Saturday to crummy weather, but myself, MJ and Web went on a 3 mile trail walk early in the AM. Was good to get the legs moving after being cramped in the car. We also saw their deer family in the yard that seems to be stealing all their hanging birdseed!

Didn't do much during the day Saturday. Took a quick mall trip with Charlotte, then came back to have a quiet dinner with Colleen, Bridget and Kevin. Then we left to come home yesterday.

Crawled in the door around 3:30 yesterday afternoon and collapsed. We were beat.

Charlotte's vacation officially started today. Done with softball, done with work, done, done. She celebrated with a beach day with her friends today. Perfect hot but low humid day for it! I was happy to see her excited to go. Then tomorrow, she and 6 friends are headed to NJ to Six Flags! She's SO excited. She loves her roller coasters. Go her!

So that's all for now. Went for my 4th acupuncture session today. She treated me aggressively so I'm back home taking it easy.

My parents finally saw my brother yesterday after hos back procedure and being out for the count for 4 months. They said he was in good spirits, looked great and was feeling good! So that's awesome.

Have a great start to the week guys. Stay cool. xo Ann
