Happy Friday everyone! Told you I would check in before signing off for a week at the shore. We leave tomorrow morning and couldn't be more excited to get this long awaited, 6 month planned, big party started. The teens (and adults) are beyond giddy. Don't know how "giddy" Mr. Web is,.. He's coming along, still pushing through the pain of the fracture and that's really all I have to report about it. He spends a lot of time laid up in the guest room on the iPad, Kindle or watching some mafia movie. Guess the change of scenery may be good for the healing. The view of the ocean won't hurt either. Pray for good weather for us.

I'm all set with cleaning everything, packing everything, organizing everything and cleaning out my bathroom for construction. This has been quite the prep. And I'm glad the day has finally come to get out of here and enjoy what's left of our summer.

Charlotte starts her travel team practices the day after Labor Day and then we're off and running again!

So we will soak up every last bit here.

One of Charlotte's friends who is coming with us, her Mom sent over a whole bunch of gourmet chocolate covered treats for the trip...

Web has been super limited and what he can do, so I hope with each day there's healing. He has an appt. when we get back for a follow up X Ray with the surgeon, fingers crossed, he IS healing...

That's all for now. Wish us luck with all these teenage girls. WOO-HOO!

Here's a pic of where we are staying on the beach. So close to Mom and Dad's old house down there.

Love and hugs to all xo, Ann
