What's Up Wednesday

 Happy HOT Hump Day eh?

It's just getting hotter and hotter here. LOL  No really.

They say we will get rain in the next few days. Let's hope this all breaks. Staying optimistic.

Char has been keeping busy with her camp work from 8;30-12, then batting lessons, going to the gym and practice for softball. She also has been meeting up with friends whenever she can. We've been getting into some Netflix shows too. Not much you can go out and do in this weather, so we are making the most of it.

(the working girl)

Speaking of, Web and I took bagels over to Mom and Dad's this morning when Char left for work and hung out with them for a little bit.

That's really all for now. I've been watching Presumed Innocent on Apple TV. Love it! 

Trying to gather all the things here and there for our big Jersey Shore hoo-ha in the end of August. We are having fun theme nights for the girls, which require decorations and outfits. So it's all fun stuff, but actually needs to be well thought out because we have to cart everything there. So I'm trying to be very deliberate in what I'm buying and will pack and organize everything according to theme/night. We will have two cars filled with the girls and Web's car filled with their suitcases and decorations.

So nothing real big going on here with the heatwave, just hunkered down in the A/C keeping cool.

(she's got her net and tee set up to practice)

Love to all xo Ann 
