Weekend Tournament Recap.

 Happy Sunday y'all!

We're baaack. We survived the grueling trip to Maryland this weekend and lived to tell about it. Wowzer.

It was HOT. 90 degrees. It took us a really long time to get down there on Friday. What should have been a 4 our trip was a terrible 6 hour trip! That DC traffic is horrendous. Our hotel was beautiful though. Not some crappy motel, no, we normally stay in really nice hotels for these things but this was, by far, the swankiest. It overlooked the University of Maryland and was situated right in the midst of the booming, lively College Park. Lots to look at, eat at, etc. Usually, we go to these things and it's a 15 min car ride before you even see a place to grab a cup of coffee. But not this time. We really only get the chance to use the hotel to shower and sleep, unfortunately. These are not sightseeing, glamorous trips. We spend all the hot days on the ball fields from 7;30 AM until almost 4 PM. It's A LOT. Charlotte had a few nice plays at shortstop. She had a phenomenal "squeeze play" - it was so fun to watch! Her fielding has improved 100%! Everything just comes so natural now! The throw downs at second base, the tags, the double plays. Go her!

The Coach wanted to get everyone together after yesterday's softball marathon for a team dinner with the parents and players. It was nice. But we crawled back to the hotel and collapsed around 9:30 PM. Then had to be dressed and have everything packed up to leave the hotel for for the field at 7:15 AM today. We played one game at 9 AM and left at 11 AM to come home. We just walked in the door around 4 PM. Charlotte jumped in the shower, I half unpacked and put back my flowers in their spots. That's all I could wrap my head around right now...

(the girls at dinner last night)

Tomorrow, I will deal with all the laundry and unpacking, to just do it all again this Friday to head upstate. Where I wish we could be teleported and not sit in a car for another 6 hours! Oh my!

(the tired, dedicated parents)

So, the girl's summer vacation away from travel ball officially starts tonight. She's excited to spend what's left being a 15 yr old teen and enjoying the summer with her friends. This is also her last week at work. So, lots to celebrate this week.

I have acupuncture again tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to the 1/2 hour of pins in me to relax! LOL  Lots of cramped car travel and sitting at all of these games was not good for me.

We are all super happy to be home in our cozies and relaxing. Tonight calls for Chinese food, I think.

I am so beyond happy to be closing the chapter on this part of the summer. I'm ready for some F-U-N! I think we earned it, eh?

Hope you all had a great weekend. xo, Ann
