Weekend Recap.

 Happy Monday!

We had a 3 day softball tournament here for Char this weekend. It was A LOT. We've never had a 3 day in a row tournament. So unnecessary. Normally it's jammed into two days, but Good Lord, that was too much. Char is feeling it. We have ONE more tournament left this weekend. It's far away. Maryland. So it becomes a big, long car trip, plus the two days of grueling play, then making it home by Sunday night because she has to work early Monday. So, if we get through this weekend okay, we can do anything. LOL 

So, today she woke up early to get back into work mode. She will have a nice paycheck for herself in the next few weeks when the camp ends. It will all be worth it then :)

She's at the gym right now, working out on her days off. I don't know that she will play volleyball this year because it overlaps with travel softball which starts up again in September. So we'll see. The verdict is still out on that.

Getting excited for the Beach House Sweet 16 in a few weeks. WE ARE SO EXCITED! It's where we spent every summer for 40 + years. We miss it there. Charlotte asks about it all the time, so it was the perfect spot to host this week long fiesta for her and her friends. Our old family stomping ground! SO pumped up for it!

That's it for now. Mom and Dad came by to one of the games because it was 10 minutes from the house. That never happens. Then Barb hosted us for a nice, chill coal fired pizza diner after the game. Low key and real nice to share some laughs and see them.

My brother's back surgery seems to be a success. He's had a debilitating compressed nerve for 4 months. He finally had it addressed a few days ago. Surgeon said all went well and after a week of working from home and taking it easy, he was able to take the train into NYC today and head into the office. So happy he has relief. How awful :(

That's all the news for now. Went to my second acupuncture visit today. Hoping it will help me with my sciatica. Knock on wood, seems to be. I made another appointment for next Monday.

Have a great start to the week guys xo Ann
