The Heatwave Continues.

 Happy Monday guys!

What a weekend eh? The assassination attempt on Trump has been on the news constantly. What a terrible thing.

Web finally emerged from his sick bed after 3 days. The doctor gave him antibiotics for his cough and he seems to be much better.

We were housebound most of the weekend with him sick and my sciatica that has flared up like never before where I'm having trouble standing, sitting, you name it I can't get comfortable. So this has been a bummer big time. I went to get an acupuncture treatment today and hope I get relief soon. I have another appointment next Monday. Praying it gets better.

Charlotte went back to work today after a weekend off from softball and having fun with friends. She's right now at her BFF's house hanging poolside. They have a great built in swimming pool. Summer Fun for her!

That's all for now. Just trying to feel better here and beat this heat at the same time.

Off I go to chug some water and ADVIL.

Have a great start to the week everyone.

Stay cool xo Ann
