Cleats In The HEAT.

 Happy Monday everyone!

Wow. We had quite the crazy HOT tournament weekend. It was a 2 day softball tournament out east on Long Island in what they say was the hottest on record and ridiculously poor air quality. The girls won all 3 games on Saturday, which brought them to yesterday's game by game elimination. It was brutally hot and humid with no break in between games. The poor kids (and parents were dying). They won the first 2 games, which brought them to the 3rd championship game . It was tie score, at the height of the heat and the umpire collapsed in the field from heat exhaustion. Ambulances, police... Yes, it was THAT ridiculously hot. The game came to a halt (thankfully) because everyone was saying they shouldn't have been playing out there to begin with. They took the ump off in an ambulance to the hospital and they split the championship title with a tie. So they both won. It took us almost 2 hours of Hamptons traffic to get home and we collapsed. Didn't get home until almost 7 PM. It was so awful. I also felt sick from the heat when we finally crawled in the door. And you say to yourself, what the hell are we doing???? Just dumb. For softball? What we do for our kids...

Anyway, we are in recovery mode here and Charlotte had her first day of work today. She's working as a little kids camp counselor at the camp she used to attend in the summers. Thank goodness it's only from 9-12 everyday, just when it starts getting hot. So she's off doing that and I'm going to wash all the gross clothes from yesterday and finally bring my car to be detailed and washed. It's a softball mess.

So excited to have this weekend "off" from a tournament. My oh my what shall we plan? LOL

Okay all, hope your 4th of July week was awesome!

Stay cool. xo, Ann
