Weekend Recap.

 Happy Sunday all!

A little recap of the last few days with The Webs. Busyyyyyyyy.

I mentioned to you last Thursday Charlotte got her Hometown Hero recognition, then we hit the ground running...

Friday all day I set up for the Parent Fundraiser for her class. We raised just under $1,ooo in 2 1/2 hours! I was real happy with that! Took Char and I 3 hours to set up the firehouse with decorations, but it paid off, Everyone had a blast and loved it all. We had a huge table of raffle baskets people and business owners contributed. That's where we made the most money! It was great. But A LOT of work. A LOT! So my good deed for her graduating Class of 26 is done :) Got home really late from late after lugging all of the decorations home and finally fell asleep around 12;30. Then woke up Saturday early for Charlotte's first travel game of the season. About an hour away! It was hot. We were all exhausted from the happenings the few days before, but she did great. She was 2 for 3 at bat with a bunch of stolen bases. She's doing amazing...

Raced her home in Saturday beach traffic to head out to her best friend's sister's graduation party! After I dropped her off, I crawled in the door, at a sandwich and climbed into bed around 7:30 pm. I was spent!

Today, I spent doing my LAST week's lesson planning for school. My students take their final exam all next week over 4 days! Charlotte will spend today prepping for her Regents and I need to put the house back together from the huge piles of decorations.

Have a great start to the week guys! Thanks for checking in and Happy June!

xo Ann
