Hump Day.

 ONE more day in the classroom!

Can I get an Amen?

It's been a long haul. For sure. This year more than ever. LONG. So tomorrow is the last day with students, then finals. I'm so excited to not have to deal with them and their teenage antics for 3 months. Byeeee. Said the tired, DONE HS teacher!

We attended the second to last of the Awards Ceremonies for Charlotte at school last night. She received a surprise Coach's Award for softball. He said such beautiful things about her as a player and as a person. Wow. What an honor!

Tonight, we head to SUNY Farmingdale so she can receive her All-County honor. She's the gift that keeps on giving. We are so blessed.

So, my sinuses from this weather have been acting up again. It stinks. I push through the pain at work and just wanna die when I get home :( I need some relief, please...

We are headed out to CT all weekend for a big tournament for Charlotte. I'll definitely be back on here Sunday to let you know how she did.

Happy Father's Day to all you rock star Dads, Uncles and Grandpas out there.

Hugs, xo Ann
