Friday Eve.

 Happy Almost Weekend already guys! Walking around the garden and watching everything triple in size because of the rain...

It's been muggy and rainy here... Thank goodness Char's travel ball practice was cancelled tonight. She needs a break. End of year craziness and all.

By the time y'all read this we will have only FOUR days left of school and then a week and a half of Finals/Regents. Then the prom then collapsing. And two softball away tournaments in between! Jesus Lord.

We will be away at a tournament for the entire Father's Day weekend. And then the following weekend. And then another tournament out on Long Island 4th of July Weekend! Yikes.

On a bright note, did I tell you Charlotte got herself an amazing little summer job working for her Varsity Softball coach at our little town's day camp over the summer every day from 9-12! She makes a full salary, it doesn't interfere with softball and she can still go to the beach every day if she wants! SCORE! I think it ends the first week in August. July will be the busiest on record for us...

Not much else going on, we are winding school down and in the upswing of travel ball. Going, going...

Still waiting for my car to be done from getting repaired a week ago since that accident I had. They said it would be ready this week, mid-week, well we are already passed that so?!

Anyway, Charlotte has a little Sweet 16 dinner to go to tomorrow night and we haven't had time to buy anything, so I guess that's tomorrow's TO DO after school! Yike$$$$ 

Saturday she has another scrimmage out east, so we will be busy all day! Sending love to all xo Ann
