Father's Day Weekend Recap.

 Happy Father's Day everyone! Hope it was filled with some good food and all the people who love you the  most!

We just got back from a whirlwind few days away in CT at Charlotte's first softball tournament of the season. LOTS of hours on the field. Waiting for the next game...Yadda, yadda. Not to mention the extra hour of traffic tacked on getting there. UGH. The weather certainly was beautiful though.

Her team did okay. I think they are getting used to each other  still. A bunch of new girls joined the team, so that dynamic has changed a bit. I think they are finding their way to work together cohesively on the field. Not easy, when the girls are from all different towns, etc. and different personalities etc...

Anyway, they were out on the ballfield from 1 PM until almost 8 PM. Holy Long Day Batman. We crawled into our hotel room last night. CRAWLED. And then, if that wasn't crazy enough, we had to wake up at 5:30 AM this morning (Father's Day) to get dressed and make it to the field by 7 AM. It was a 20 minute drive from the hotel, check out yadda yadda... Insanity has officially begun!

They played 2 games today and we were knocked out of the bracket by 12 PM which got us home by 4 PM. It was supposed to be a 2 hour drive. But turned into a crazy 4 hour drive. The traffic coming home was AWFUL. 

(Charlotte paid a sweet tribute to her Dad on Instagram)

Next weekend, we leave Friday after school to get up to a local town near Lake George somewhere. Yikes. All this week the girl has Final Exams and Regents to take. Just to throw more craziness into the mix. Then the following Tuesday is the prom. So we are going at 120 MPH here. Seriously so much happening.

Oh and her bat cracked and needs to be replaced. The officials wouldn't even let her use it today. So that's on the list as well. We need to get that before the tournament next weekend. Where will we find the time?

So, Mr. Web and I are wrapping up our schoolyear with our own final exams. Cannot wait to close the chapter on this year!

Off I go to collapse guys. Hope the weekend was great.

Hugs, xo Ann  
