LOL  I strangers. I've been over the top busy this week with all things Charlotte. Sorry for the lack of family updates :(

Catching my breath here at 9:30 PM. I'm up waaay past my bedtime. Last night we had a real nice night as Charlotte was honored with the Hometown Hero award for her volunteering, nomination by teachers, dedication, role model for her peers, the list goes on... We cheered her on last night as she received her award. I was gushing proud. She's so humble.

A few of her friends came and surprised her at the ceremony and Marina. Mom and Dad too. We went for dessert at Sugarberry afterwards, It was nice, real nice. I'm so blessed...

Then onto today. I've been running around since I left work at 12;20 ! Flowers, cheese boards, balloons, raffle baskets! Me and my great ideas! All to raise money for the girl's class! In the midst of the busiest time of year! I hope it's a success. We have some real nice basket donations. I'll let you know how it went over the weekend.

Speaking of, Charlotte has her first travel ball scrimmage on Saturday! Wish her luck. Then we'll race home to get her to her BFF Cameron's sister's graduation party! Going, going. I feel like I'm gonna collapse.

Sending love to all of you xo Ann
