1. Big Win.

Charlotte had a big game on Saturday night against their big rival school. They WON! Was such a nailbiter of a game and they won 4-3. Love these exciting games. She played amazing. Had a nice crack out to right field it was a solid double that scored 2 RBI's. Kid is holding her own and making us proud every step of the way!

2. Today's Schedule.

She has an away game tonight. Far away! LOL About an hour. I will probably be flying solo as her Dad has a Union meeting after school. My parents go to every game, but not sure about tonight's. My Mom had an eye procedure done this morning and not sure that she will be feeling up to it. Tonight's game determines where the team will be seated in the play-offs. So fingers crossed they'll be up there!

3. Sick Week 2.

Ugh. Just now, I think turning a corner from all this sickness. Can't believe how bad this thing knocked me out. I mentioned I had terrible side effects from the high dose antibiotics. Have never experienced side effects like I did. Man, it was THE WORST!

4. Charlotte's Prom Dress.

Yup. Still not hemmed. I said we would wait until the madness of softball to end, but once they make the play-offs we could be cutting it close. Insert nervous laughter...

5. 27 Days Left.

Yup. I think I can... 27 Days left of teaching until Final Exams. Send the kid good vibes as she will be sitting for her first round of AP Exams starting tomorrow. 

Love and Hugs,

