Man Down!

 Happy Saturday guys. Sorry I've been MIA but I'm out for the count with an awful sinus/ear infection.

The Websters came down for a visit and to watch Char's school softball game and I got hit hard with this. I had a girls' night out planned for Barb's birthday last night and I started to not feel well before I left. But it was too late to cancel. It was fun to see Barb and Cindy but honestly, I couldn't wait to get home and crawl under the covers!

I barely made it to Char's game this morning, Mom also met us there and she said to me, "After this game I'm taking you to the doctor!" Always listen to your Mom right? So we went and I'm so glad. They gave me two antibiotics and I already have a dose in me. I fell asleep for most of the afternoon, so did Charlotte. Guess we aren't much good company, but it is what it is...

I just woke up and Web took his parents and Char for a bite to eat. I feel bad I'm secluded to my bed, but I feel awful. I'm hoping the meds will kick in soon and let me at least enjoy the last 3 days of my Spring "Break..."

That's all for now. Just wanted to check in and say hey. The girls won their game today so that's a positive twist!

Happy Weekend.

Love, Sick Annie
