Hump Day Hey.

 Happy Wednesday guys.

Hi all. Rainy afternoon here. Like it's been pouring for two days straight.

We just dropped off Charlotte's 3 pieces of Egyptian themed artwork for the Rock Rivalry competition tomorrow and Friday. I had them covered in garbage bags and it seemed to protect them. Phew!

(the Egyptian necklace she made)

We just need to get through two more days and we are sailing into the weekend! The first weekend in a long time, I'm not hacking coughing! Fingers crossed...

My good friend at work Katie, who had a baby in November has been gone on maternity leave this whole time. She returns next week. I'm so excited!

Nothing else really happening, just this Rock Rivalry happening over the next few days, then the insanity of school softball! Yikes we saw saw a sneak peek at that schedule! WOWZER.

Is it Easter yet? LOLLLLL

Love to all xo, Ann
