Happy St. Patrick's

 Happy Sunday guys!

Just wanted to pop on here and wish you all an Irish blessed day!

We went over to Mom and Dad's for an Irish dinner. Mom made corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, slaw, beans and  homemade soda bread. It was a spread. I had a salad but it was fun watching everyone dive in and enjoy.

Charlotte has her first scrimmage for school ball tomorrow. I may sneaky watch from my car she said the coach said he didn't "encourage" watching the scrimmage but ummm, I've never heard that before. Then we will be at the 4 other games for sure.

I spent yesterday and today outside staining the front steps, painting and sealing the front door for spring/summer. No time but this weekend to do it. We are crazy busy the next 6 days. It ends with that black tie wedding we are attending next Saturday night. OY!

So I cleaned up the outside, painted, set up for Easter/Spring and that's that.

Now, I'm getting ready to grade exams. Don't be jealous! LOL Have a great start to the week all! I'll be back with some Charlotte softball updates :)

Love xo Annie
