Happy Easter Weekend!

 It's Good Friday here on The CWeb. Hope Holy Week treated you well. We had off yesterday and today from school, but Web and I have to go back to school Monday, while Charlotte has off! Lucky girl.

Speaking of, she ventured upstate with her Dad to see The Web, Srs. for a short visit. I cannot wait to see her tomorrow when she gets home. Man, I love being with that kid. We share a lot of downtime together and there was a big void here these last 2 days :( She was in softball overload leading up to these last two days, so I'm happy she has a little break...

But on the brighter side, Momma Bunny finished all of her basket gathering and couldn't be happier!

Maybe tomorrow when the girl gets back she and I can dye eggs together. This is the first year in FOREVER she didn't get to make the bunny cake with Mema and Marina because they did it today :(

Anyway, didn't get one picture from their trip upstate, but for one with Char and Bridie last night at sunset. Glad she got to see her while she was up there.

Lots of cleaning, relaxing, shopping, organizing and laundry here for me. After 1 day of it, it's lonely.

Can't wait for the return voyage tomorrow.

Happy Easter everyone!

Love, Annie Rabbit xo 
