Game 3, Day 3.

 We are in full swing (no pun intended) here as softball started on Monday.

We are on Day 3 in a row of games and we still have 2 more days to go. And it's been FREEZING!

So much for spring eh? Yikes.

Charlotte hit a whopping 3 run HOMERUN at yesterday's game! It was so great. I am so beyond proud of her. She's exhausted from all of this. I don't think I've ever seen 5 games in a row.

So we have been extremely bundled up braving these over 2 hour games. Mom and Dad came to watch yesterday. So that was nice :)

I am running downstairs to pre-heat dinner so when we crawl in freezing at 7 PM tonight, dinner will be ready. Dear Lord.

That's the softball scoop for now, I'll have more updates soon... Busy, busy...

Pray for us not getting frostbite! 

Love, xo Annie
