Happy Tuesday guys!


We are over the moon giddy here with all the snow feels as we are home today from school and work with our first snow day in 2.5 years! LOL  It snowed about 6 inches, still snowing as we speak. It was real nice to get that phone call last night. I love when they call the night before, it's just THE BEST! So we have a fire roaring, sitting in our pjs, Web dusted off the snowblower and that's that. His last winter track meet was last night! Can we get an A-MEN? LOL I think he's pretty tired and ready for it to be over. He's been going full force since the end of August. Yeah, he seems to be dragging. Hey, he's been doing it for about 20 years, guess it starts to catch up.

Anyway, last we spoke we were heading over to Barb's to watch the Super Bowl. What a game, eh? Crazy, crazy! Charlotte predicted the winner and final score and won a $40 gift card from her travel ball coach, so she was over the moon! Then the gift of this snow day and this week definitely began to turnaround since the sickness, tiredness and dragging...

(pretty snowy backdrop in the kitchen)

Barb had some nice apps out for the game, we had the chance to see Mom and Dad, we shared some laughs, I hugged my favorite fur niece and all was good :)

We only have THREE more teaching days until February break and we are more than ready. Charlotte is leaving Sunday morning with one of her good girlfriend's mom and 5 other kids to go stay overnight in the Poconos to go snowtubing and celebrate her Sweet 16. She's looking forward to getting out of here. Happy for her!

I have dinner plans with Barb and my BFF Cindy over break. Can't wait to actually get out of the house and do something "adult-ish" LOL!

Hope all is well with you guys. Happy Valentine's to all of you. Sending a big hug.



