Presidents Weekend Woop!

 Hi everyone from our first official day off from school :) It felt GOOD NOT to wake up with a 5 AM alarm today. So good.

We sent our girl off yesterday morning to go away on a two day snowy getaway for her friend Tristan's Sweet 16. They went night snow tubing under neon lights last night and went ice skating today and to an old fashioned candy shop. Tonight they will have dinner and cake and head home tomorrow. Man, this house was super quiet with our girl gone. I did not like it! But what gave me peace was getting smiley pictures from her having a great time! She needed this getaway BIG TIME!

Right before she left, she was asked to the Junior Prom. I know! Which is a pretty big deal at our school because they combine the Junior AND Senior Prom because it's a smaller school. So when she gets back, I know she'll want to start looking for dresses. Fun FUN!

So it's been quiet here. We went and saw my parents today for a little bit this afternoon to say hey on their anniversary. Barb and Spiro met us over there, so it was real nice.

Web had the taxes done today, so that's done :) And tomorrow he and I will tackle the basement storage room and try our best to organize that. Just feels good not to work and be carpooling Charlotte everywhere. Much needed break before the spring craziness sets in with softball. Charlotte was asked by her Principal to speak on the school's behalf next week at a conference on Long Island to talk about all the great things her school has to offer. Pretty cool, eh?

Off I go to catch up on some TV and jump on the treadmill. Hope this post finds you all well.


