Friday Eve.

 Hi all.

I missed posting yesterday I was super busy all day, then another 2 hour Professional Development after school until 5PM and yadda yadda. Oy.

Then today after school I ran to get a few things for tomorrow. I'm finally going to see my friend from school Katie and her new baby Patrick. I wanted to hold off when I was so sick. So tomorrow it is :) Cannot wait to see her and catch up. I haven't seen her since she left at Thanksgiving. So I bought a big sister gift for her 4 year old and a baby gift. 

Came home, writing to you, going to pick up Charlotte from her SAT prep course, then she has a batting lesson tonight. She's doing well with softball, her travel coach FINALLY complimented her last night on how great she's doing. That guy is the worst. He NEVER praises her. So, finally, some positive reinforcement. Lord.

It was 50 degrees here today so that was REAL nice. Felt so good for the soul. We don't have much on the agenda this weekend but doing everything I didn't do last weekend because I was so sick. All the linens need to be washed, bathrooms scrubbed down, floors cleaned, it's one of those way overdue, deep cleaning weekend. Sigh.

Super Bowl is Sunday, Charlotte has back to back softball practices, so I guess it will be a low key lame-o one for us, which is fine by this girl! I will try and stop by to see Mom and Dad with Charlotte at some point this weekend for a quick visit.

Okay guys, happy almost weekend. I'll check back in over the weekend. 

Which team are you cheering for?


xo Ann
