Monday FIVE.

 1. Chill Weekend.

Welp, we were told, snow, snow, snow. We had a snowy Saturday but nothing stuck. Womp, womp. It did stick in upstate NY and Pennsylvania. Waaaaaaaaa.

2. Softball Stating Up Again.

We had a nice little holiday break from ball. The party was over this weekend with 3 big practices. Two for travel ball, one for school ball. I think we're the type of family that does better with a routine/schedule until we speak again in the spring where we're crawling to the finish line. LOL

3. Planning Out The Next 3 weeks of January.

Busy every weekend. This weekend we have Charlotte's big All County Concert at CW Post University. Sunday we have Web's birthday, Charlotte has practices. Then I also have to meet up with Barb to help plan and organize Marina's Sweet 16 Party at the end of January. The following weekend we have that college softball clinic Char signed up for at Hamilton University. Then the following weekend is the Sweet 16.

4. Thinking About a Year From Now.

I know a year seems far away, but we also have to try and wrap our heads around Charlotte's Sweet 16. She's swaying away from a party and maybe thinking about a mini-vacay with a bunch of girls. Either way, we need to start discussing and planning. Especially if it involves travel, etc. So much to consider and think about...

5.Health Updates.

I'm finally coming along, but honesty, not 100 percent. Anyone you talk to feels the same way, taking a long time to recover. But I am getting there!  My Dad is better with the coughing/congestion, but he pulled a muscle around Christmas and still hasn't recovered, so that stinks, big time. He's going to the dr tomorrow so hopefully, they'll help him. Health is EVERYTHING!

Have a great start to the week guys. Stay warm.


