Hump Day Check In.

 Happy Midterms Week here!

We just finished Day 3 of Midterms for Charlotte and us. Hopefully, she'll get through the rest of the week okay. The first part of exams seemed good, so we will see... Fingers crossed. I gave my exam this afternoon and I will be busy grading for the next 2 days. Oy! The glamorous teacher's life.

Anyway, so we are super busy dropping Charlotte off at musical rehearsals after her exams, then off to travel ball practice, which is where she and Web are now. I think I may have spent a total of 15 minutes with Charlotte in 3 days, it's been nuts! The most time I spent was her was carpooling her and 3 of her friends to Starbucks then back to school this afternoon! UGH.

Looking forward to a nice time on Saturday celebrating Marina's Sweet 16. Haven't see my Dad since he got super sick after Christmas so it will be nice to see everyone!

I am heading over to their place on Friday night to drop off some decorations with Barb before Saturday. Then we will head back on Saturday late afternoon to set it all up. 

So we will be busy here these next few days, but all good :)

Sending you all lots of love!

xo Ann
