Wednesday Check In.

 Okay, let's see... Where did we last leave off? LOL

I barely know my name. Last night we went back to school late to clap it off for our little scholar. She had a nice recognition for getting a "super master" score on her Regents Exams. Go her! Freaking awesome, Char.

Now, tonight, she played in a Toys for Tots charity vball game, then decided to stay and cheer her friends on at the basketball game. All while the coach is at a dinner honoring his x-country team. Then tomorrow, he has a late meet. Guess it's a good thing we are taking a personal day to fly upstate Friday, eh? 

So, that's where we are at. I've been running around after school to grab something I forgot, one last Christmas gift, something Char needs. You know. I am testing in my classes tomorrow so I'll end the week on a chill note :) I have a hair appt tomorrow night before we leave and I need to pack. Not too much to bring, our fancy wedding clothes and loungewear I guess. And all the toiletries, etc. 

(trying to sneak in a girl's trip to Starbucks when we can...)

My mom ran and picked up a case of snacks from BJs for Charlotte to sell at tomorrow night's school concert. Thank goodness my mom is home and can  run out like that for me.

So, the coach just left for a late night, I'm waiting on the chick to get home and I need a good night's sleep. 

I'll try and check in before we leave on Friday morning, but if not, I'll check in Sunday when we get home with a full upstate recap. 

Okay all, hope this post finds you well and all ready for Christmas (almost!) 

Happy Birthday to Gram up in heaven today. Miss her tons around Christmas.

Love, Annie Claus
