Wedding Weekend Recap.

 We're baaack. From our 3 day upstate weekend away filled with LOTS.

Well, let me introduce our two hosts for the merry weekend- The Grinch and Frosty lollllll

For the last month we were told Charlotte wasn't invited to the wedding, so we packed according to the response, until we were literally sitting at the gate at JFK waiting to board when his cousin texted him and said -We had a cancellation, Charlotte is invited now. Charlotte who only packed UGG boots and sweatpants. Yeah, so that's how the trip started. So now, I'm on the plane stressed about finding her something to wear yadda yadda, spending money, when she has 20 dresses hanging in her closet at home. We went to the first store we saw an hour or so after getting off the plane  and we found her an appropriate dress and shoes, but yeesh talk about unnecessary stress..........

Then The Web, Srs. invited over some of the cousins for dinner on Friday. By the time bedtime rolled around we were more than ready. Then Saturday morning woke up to The Grinch and Frosty in their holiday pjs, had I known I would have packed mine, and Colleen came over with the most sparkly red and green sequin jacket I'd ever seen. Screamed I'm HEEEREEEE and it's Christmas tiiiimmme. She loaned it to Web to wear to school tomorrow for Ugly Sweater Day.

Then got ready for the wedding and we drove over to the venue at 4:30. There were A LOT of people there. Much more than I had expected. It was an emotional ceremony as the bride and groom both suffered tragic spouse losses at a young age. Happy that they get a second chance at this. They deserve to be happy. Don't we all? But their stories are really sad.

So lots of love filled that room and the bride was definitely beaming. Wedding was over around 10 PM. Fell fast asleep, woke up at 7 AM yesterday, packed up and hopped on a flight back home. Are ya tired from all that? LOLLL

Was hard to get up this morning after hearing those winds and crazy storm last night. Hit me today right after I got to work how overwhelming and super busy we've been for the last 4 weeks straight since hosting Thanksgiving. It's been a lot. Now we are prepping for Christmas Eve. Cannot believe it's Sunday! How can that be?

I haven't wrapped a thing. Not one. So that's gotta start today. Hopefully, Mr. Elf will be home at a decent time to help me later.

Okay guys, I will share pics this week from the trip. Here are a few.

Happy Monday! xo Annie
