Tuesday FIVE.

 1. The Great Clean Up.

     Well, I spent the last few days trying to put Humpty, aka, the house, back together again. LOL Oh, it's a process. And I want a bigger house? LOL Well, I do. Just a bit bigger. In a perfect world I would add a great room. Hmmmmm

2. Charlotte.

   That lucky cutie is still basking in the afterglow of all things birthday. She got some really beautiful gifts from friends and family and my co-workers. I'm jealous of those fancy beauty products I bought her in that Sephora Advent calendar. When she's at school I sneak in her room and ooh and ahh at what I wish I had. LOLLLLLLLLLLLL

(she's such the fashionista, I love it)

3. Web.

   He's in full winter track late night meet mode. Tonight, is the first late meet. And late, I mean, he won't be home until midnight. Yup.

4. Next few weeks.

   Got lots of big things happening. We started the kick off with Char's birthday weekend, we now move on to her BFF's Wedding-like Sweet 16! That's this Friday night, then Web has a BIG track meet early the next day. We have never attended a fancy formal occasion together the three of us, so we are excited for that. This week  was spent getting the gifts together, Charlotte's belongings all together, etc. I will pick her up from school an hour early on Friday because she has to have hair and make-up done by 4 pm. She'll never have enough time if I don't pick her up at 2. I would never let her miss any school for this, but her grade is also on a field trip that day, that she won't be going on, so I don't feel that bad. This weekend, while Web's at his meet and Charlotte is partying her little teen butt off, I will finish getting the last of the gifts for her favorite teachers and the nieces/nephews and all my wrapping paper. Yikes.

(saw this pic on Instagram the other day, makes me swoon)

5. Tick Tock.

    I want everything done, wrapped and labeled before we get on that plane to go upstate in 10 days for big party number 3! GAH! Yeesh going to my annual OB/GYN appt on Dec 29th seems like a vacation! LOLLLLLLLLL

Okay guys. Hope you're all in the holiday spirit and getting it all done. When in doubt-Gift cards! They're the BEST!

xo Annie Claus

