The Birthday Weekend Recap.

 We SURVIVED! Charlotte's birthday weekend extravaganza. LOL 

Her 15th birthday fell on a Friday this year, which included a two day birthday bender! Friday night just the three of us celebrated with presents and cake and dinner. She now owns the newest iPhone and I'm jealous. LOL

The Saturday night, she asked if I would host 14 friends over the house for a cookie decorating, dinner, dessert and Christmas movie! They had a blast. They were all given their own cookie tin with homemade cookies to decorate. That took about 45 minutes. Oh boy, the laughter of little teen girls coming from that dining room was so innocent and refreshing.

We got 3 pizzas and they sang to charlotte with a tray of cupcakes (easier to manage than a big cake) then they all headed down to Charlotte's basement hangout room to lounge and watch a movie. They were all picked up by 11. They all texted what a great time they had. She was over the moon, it was just real nice :)

I'm exhausted. Yikes. I spent today cleaning everything up from the birthday hooha. Thank goodness I'm giving my classes an exam tomorrow so I don't have to teach. Great strategy on my part! LOL

Now that the birthday insanity is over I can breathe for 4 days until Friday when we are all attending that Sweet 16 Charlotte is a part of. Going to be a super late Friday night. Yikes. But I have the gifts for all of that taken care pf and the outfits. Charlotte has to wear the dress that was picked out for her and 5 other girls in the "court." 

So we are busy beavers here at Casa Web. We had our 18th wedding anniversary yesterday.

Kind of low key week which we need here leading up to the insanity of next weekend. Charlotte is getting an award Wed night at the PTA meeting for her service and goodness in the school. She's received a similar award before, so it's a real nice recognition. Go her!

Sending you all love and wishes for a great week.

xo Ann
