Monday FIVE.

 1. Recovery Mode.

In full weekend recovery mode here at Casa Web. As you read, we had a very busy party filled weekend for the second weekend in a row here. This was very formal though and very exhausting. LOL The mother of the Sweet 16 girl keeps sending the girls' professional photos to us. This one had me cracking up, it looks like a Real Housewives ad. So funny. They all did look pretty though.

2. Christmas Shopping DONE.

With 2 weeks to spare until Christmas (can't believe it) I finished all of my shopping yesterday. Done, done and done. Now, who's wrapping all of this? I need a team of elves...

3.Pack It Up.

Packing everything up to get on an upstate flight Friday morning. Need to grab the travel garment bag from Barb so we can pack our suit/fancy clothes easily. Then just a small carry on. No need to pack anything crazy, not doing much but the wedding. Kind of glad the wedding is at 5 PM on the earlier side. Charlotte will be back at the Web, Srs. without us for a few hours. Glad it won't be too late. 

4. And All The In Between.

So in between THREE back to back weekends of functions, you know, all the commitments in between. This week alone, Charlotte's getting another award at a Board of Ed meeting, musical pit practice, charity vball game/Toys for Tots and a field trip for her to Cohen's Children's Hospital to pack toys and a partriiiidge in a peaaar treeeeeeeeeee...

5. The Two Week Countdown.

So, all the teachers in all the land have 9 teaching days left before break. Let's have a moment of silence, shall we?

Have a great week all. xo, Annie Claus
