Momma DOWN.

 Hey y'all.

Hope you are enjoying this break after Christmas. I was planning on a lot of R & R just not from my sick bed. I got hit like a train with this flu bug yesterday. Started to really not feel that well Wednesday after Christmas, but I just thought it was my body shutting down after all the hosting and running around. 

Welp. No. My Dad started to get really sick on Wednesday with a hacking cough, Sam and Eva were really sick the day after Christmas, Barb was sick 3 days before Christmas aaand here we are. I had a really rough day yesterday with fever, chills, sinus pressure. Could not get any rest because I was so sick and uncomfortable. Then woke up this morning and was able to take a hot steam shower. Seemed to loosen everything up but now I have that drippy cough :( So that's keeping me awake. At least today I forced myself to eat half a toasted bagel. But now this cough is the pits.

So, I'm isolating away from Charlotte and Web to spare them from this mess. After she had mono, I really want to keep her as healthy as possible.

It really stinks the last few days of the vacation have been spent so sick, but nothing I can do about it.  Just push through.

I'm so upset I missed Marina's 16th Birthday yesterday. I will have to make it up to her when I'm feeling better, She's having a nice friend's dinner to celebrate at the end of January so that will be nice.

Okay guys, send some healing vibes this way. Please. I'll check in before New Year's.


