Christmas Recap.

 Happy Day After Christmas guys!

Did you survive? LOL

(the bar room got lots of attention)

We lived to tell about it. Well, we hosted our annual Logios Christmas Eve hooplah and it was another successful night. Everyone had a ball. My Mom and I manned the kitchen for 80 % of the evening. She set up the lobster and scallops ahead of time and also breaded the fish. Go Mema. We peeled the 10 lbs of potatoes and set them up for mashing and grilled the filet mignons on the new BBQ. Barb made a gorgeeeous cheese and meat board with dips on the side. We had shrimp from Uncle Joe and a few desserts. We've learned from the past, Christmas Eve dinner is SO heavy, we don't go crazy with desserts. We had a chocolate "bomb" cake, tiramisu, sprinkle cookies and homemade baklava. It was just enough. Eva helped out with some of the food prep in the kitchen which was a big help, too.

After dinner we headed into the living room where we played our gift swap. It was a $40-50 limit so the gifts were amazing. It was so much fun! So much in fact as we were chanting}EVA, EVA to pick a good gift she got so excited she knocked the chandelier out of the hinges! LOL  It was in the ceiling pretty good though, just some minor fixing and all was good, but man, talk about bringing the house down!

(the whole gang)

I scored a $50 Target gift card which I'm actually heading out to use! LOL

We sang a pre-birthday tune to Maria also. Her real 16th Birthday is Thursday.

Then we all exchanged presents. All in all, it was a reallllly nice night. The last guest left around 10:30. Then Web and I cleaned up as much as we could before Santa came.

We woke up around 7:30 AM yesterday and couldn't wait for Char to get up and start opening. She musta been on the nice list! LOLLLL

Santa brought me a new phone which I was so thrilled about. I needed it.

Yesterday, we made a nice pancake, bacon and egg breakfast and stayed in our pjs all day and did NOTHING. It was the BEST, BEST!

Today, I started the big clean up and decluttering. Little by little...

Hope your Christmas was fabulous. Sending hugs to all!

Love, Ann
