Monday Hey.

 Hi all! 

Are you elbows deep in all the Thanksgiving prep?

One more day of school for us here and I can't wait to take that off the table. One less big thing, you know?

We spent all weekend, getting the house in shape. You wouldn't know Web tended to the leaves a bit. I pulled up to the house today and there are piles all in front by the sidewalk. Ugh.

Anyway, we still have to do a big beverage, liquor store run, that I can't do that without him. Also anything I need to fill in with from the grocery. That will all have to wait until Wednesday because he is out late tonight and tomorrow night. Lord.

Did I tell you I got a new car? Yea. My lease was up and I finally got something stylish for the first time in 18 years! It's the new Ford Bronco. Woop. I pick it up Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

So, it's just the girl and I tonight and tomorrow night. We just had some pasta and Char danced around the kitchen singing all the music and dancing to the FROZEN soundtrack! Man, she is so good for my soul.

 Okay guys, I'll check in before Thanksgiving. Wishing you all an easy two days left to prep. Here's a pic of that beautiful park I was telling you about for our Christmas pic this year. The sun was shining in our faces the entire time, but hopefully the card will come out okay.


Ann xo
