Hump Day Check In.

 Happy Wednesday folks.

Are you rocking and rolling with all the holiday prep?  We are and then some. With our little girlie's birthday on Friday and ALL the big parties and fancy functions heading down our path. Whoa. Trying to get all of Charlotte's birthday/ Christmas gifts organized and separated and all of our outfits/gifts for upcoming events. Let's see, what's up next for us, well, Char's birthday on Friday will be low-key with just us on Friday night. She wants her favorite tradition of ice cream cake and Chinese food. We will do presents and sit around the tree Friday night. Then Saturday, all birthday hell breaks loose LOL! She's having over 14 friends. I know. Am I getting Mother of the Year or what? They will decorate holiday cookies, have dinner and watch a Christmas movie. Dear Lord. Only the best for her. Web is helping her make his family cookie recipe for the party.

 Next Friday, Charlotte's bestie Cameron is having a super fancy Sweet 16. That party will be continued Saturday as the girls in her "court" will sleep over after the party and have a birthday breakfast with her. I'm tired thinking about it. The following Friday we will fly upstate for Web's cousin's wedding, then the following weekend is Christmas. Holy Bleep! And we are hosting Christmas Eve.

So I'm just taking it day by day here and going to bed even earlier than usual. LOL Once Charlotte's birthday weekend is behind me, I will be able to breathe a bit. I got the entire house inside and out decorated, so that was a huge thing out of the way! Yay!

Are ya tired from reading all of this? Yesterday, we had the chance to see my parents and they brought Charlotte to Dick's to get her a new mitt for her birthday. Great gift and she needed a new one desperately.

That's all for now guys. Going to snuggle in bed and watch the NYC Christmas Tree Lighting! It's the best.

Kisses to all and to all a good night.

