Happy Thanksgiving Guys.

 Well, well. I barely took any pics because as you all know I'm always the picture taker and Mom and I were in the kitchen the entire time so really no one else took pics. I have a few to share. We survived! We cooked a 30 LB bird to perfection. That was the biggest I've ever had here. Mom and I also prepared the stuffing and all the sides. We were like Thanksgiving machines! She came over the house at 5:45 AM to help prep that huge bird and get the stuffing together so we could pop it in the oven by 8 AM. It had to cook 6 hours.

So our day started VERY early yesterday. Then we peeled 10 LBS of potatoes. LOL And after Mom came back at 1 before the gang arrived, she and I prepped some apps and all the sides. And it all has to be orquestrated  around the bird being done. Phew! We did it. Everything was so, so nice. The food, the desserts, the company, catching up with all the kids. Even Web said this morning, "That was one of the nicest Thanksgivings..." Wow.

Uncle Joe came, all of the Logios kids and significant others, Sam and Chris, Barb's fam, us. It was real nice. Desserts galore. All the pies and Mom made her famous cheesecake. We sang to Char so the family could wish her an early birthday. It was drama free and sweet.


Today, is the great clean up. I can't even think about decorating for Christmas until this whole house is put back together. Ugh. And I have to prep for the next big party- Charlotte's 15th (gulp) birthday. She's having a friend's cookie decorating party next Saturday. So yes, lots of things happening.

Love you all on this Black Friday! Hope your Thanksgiving was filled with love and blessings.

xo, Ann
