Happy Saturday.

 Hi guys.

Checking in after a super productive Saturday here. The first one Coach Web has been around for in a while and I'm sure he was more than thrilled to tend to the enormous amount of leaves on the property and helping me get the house ready to host Thanksgiving. All while he's hacking coughing! LOL Yeah, I'm sure he's real excited...

But more importantly, the house is 90% ready for company. God Bless my Mom who picked up almost everything food wise. I just have to fill in with all the liquor/beverages and little bits. Praise Mema Logios. We have a whopping 30 LB turkey coming this year. Makes me so nostalgic for this time of year when I was VERY pregnant with our Charlotte. My original due date was the day after Thanksgiving. Man, was I overcooked on that Thanksgiving! LOL  Little did I know I had a 9LB turkey inside me. LOLLLL  Best holiday gift she was and is. The gift that keeps on giving. She just received her PSAT scores this week. Highest you can get is in the 1500's now. She scored right under 1300. Holy Smokes. God Bless 'er. Could not be prouder. Peggy and Patrick won't be making it for dinner. Patrick isn't feeling well :( We will have around 16 people. Decent size.

So, I bit the bullet and put up the tree as a sparkly backdrop for Thanksgiving. It only has lights on it, but man, it does spark the holiday joy!

(set up the bar area in the front room)

Barb is bringing all the pies and a salad on TDay. Uncle Joe sent two boxes of shrimp ahead of time. And Mom is making her famous cheesecake. So we are more than covered. Are you all ready?

Tomorrow, one last thing hanging over my head- The Christmas card pic. Send us some good vibes we get er' done- drama free and it works out. I spotted this gorgeous place out east when we were at one of Char's softball tournaments. It's gorgeeeeous. So I hope it photographs as well as it looks. Fingers crossed it's worth going back :)

Okay guys, I'm pouring myself a celebratory glass of wine, that we are done with all the TDay prep (for now) anyway.

Cheers to all of you.


