Halloween Week Recap (Nov 1st 6:16 PM)

 Happy November guys!

We are still recovering here from a crazy 5 days. I mentioned Monday night we had to return to school to meet with parents from 7-9 PM for conferences. This was a first for us. Since the school was built over 100 years ago, this was never done. Well, new sheriff in town, new rules. Flexing big time as he enters his second year as the new Superintendent. BIG TIME. Really beating us into the ground with returning late night mandatory attended events, we don't get paid any extra for all of this. It's been a lot.

So we survived that on Monday night. It's what I imagine speed dating to be. Sit down, speak as fast as you can and when the buzzer goes off in 6 minutes, NEXT! Crazy. And alcohol would have eased the pain for sure! LOL

Then yesterday, was Halloween. My department has started this thing where we get dressed up as a group. But the costumes are always, meh. This year they wanted to do pirates. Meh, but I tried. I couldn't wait to get home to take off the get up. I raced home after school and Char asked if Barb, Marina and Spiro could come by to have take-out and a quiet Halloween. So we did. I ran out to buy cheese, crackers, snacks, wine and then we ordered from our favorite Italian place. But it was a non-stop day. And I passed out 150 pieces of candy in between. Exhausted. But it was great to spend time with them.


Mom had her eye surgery yesterday. It was FIVE hours. Then, again for the other eye next Tuesday. She's doing okay. Still a bit blurry, but that will subside. She was exhausted yesterday :(

And today, we just got home from a 2 hr. after school professional development. Literally crawled in the back door. We are working on scraps to eat from the pantry because last weekend there was no food shopping because we weren't even home.

So, life is hectic as usual here, but more so than ever. Is it Christmas vacation yet? LOL 

Sharing some pics from Halloween. Charlotte and her boyfriend Jaydin were a lifeguard and shark. So cute.

That's all from this very tired momma.

Hope everyone is great.



(me and my colleague Maria)
