Friday Eve.

 Good Afternoon all!

Welp, we are almost crossing the fall break finish line here. 3 more teaching days to be exact. Thank goodness we have off next Wednesday before Thanksgiving. We have so much to do in the way of getting the house and all together before TDay. Web has not been around and the schedule here has been hectic, but I guess he better buckle up for all those neglected house to-do's. Yikes. Dear Lord.

From the outside to the inside, hold on tight, this weekend will be a bumpy ride! LOL

We are also supposed to "squeeze in" taking our Christmas pic. Sigh. Web and Charlotte's Favorite day of the year. As if.

Lots happening. Charlotte has daily after school rehearsals for the musical (pit). And tonight she's piggy backing it with a batting lesson. And she's keeping up with her studies. She just got a real nice report card. So proud of her! It's all about balance I guess and she's doing a real good job of handling everything like a champ.

Web's team had a nice write up in the local paper. Good for him. Lots of hard work and time away from home. 

Okay guys, off I go to get me act together before the Charlotte pick up drop off portion of the afternoon.

Hope you are all great and gearing up for T Day. I need The TDay Fairy to come and get this place in order ASAP! I think we are expecting 16 for dinner. Decent size.

Love to all,

