Weekend Recap.

 Hey everyone.

Well, we've had a very busy 4 days here between company, volleyball and then softball Sunday. Wow. It was A LOT.

The Web Srs. I mentioned came on Thursday, had the chance to watch Charlotte play a late vball game on Friday and left on Saturday. Then, I drove Charlotte and her friend to pick out pumpkins in the pouring rain, took them to a nice fall lunch, then drove them back to our house to carve the pumpkins and watch a Halloween movie. Are you tired yet? There's more, today (Sunday) we spent ALL day an hour away out east on the island watching Charlotte play an over 2 hour game that was unscheduled. Yup. Joy.

It was freezing, windy and unusually cold. We've been so used to the high 60's low 70 temps, this was a shocker to the system. Charlotte did great though. The coach said (after he was done yelling at them, LOL) that Charlotte was the only one who pulled her weight out there in the field today! Go girl! We sat in a lot of traffic coming home. It was such a bummer. 

Got home around 4, and then the three of us hit the mad dash to get all of our schoolwork/grading/studying done and here we are. Thawed out and quite frankly, exhausted. It's been a lot of running and doing these last few days. Now, we can exhale. LOL Until tomorrow night, when Charlotte's vball team has their "pink out" breast cancer game. Then just one, more game left on Wednesday and we can put this intense vball season behind us.

Then we will get Char back into those batting lessons weekly and she'll just have her twice a week softball practices. Next weekend, I'm on my own with Charlotte for the tournament. Web has a meet on Saturday.

So that's what The Webs are up to. Wishing you all an awesome start to this week :)

Love, Annie
