The Tuesday Twist

 I just said to a co-worker this morning, "Is there a full moon or something?" And my other co-worker chimed in and said- "Right?" It's actually on the 28th. Well that explains all the twists and turns these last few days have followed. Dear Lord. Just constant.

The next few weeks leading up to Thanksgiving are really packing a punch. Mostly filled with an obscene amount of professional obligations put forth by our new Superintendent. Man oh man. We have (for the first time since our school existed- Parent-Teacher conferences next Monday (Halloween Eve), yup. For 2 late hours 7-9 PM. And then AGAIN, one week later! Yup. And in between there 2 hour after school Professional Development and a full day Superintendent's Conference Day. So yeah. It's A LOT. And I don't get it. Actually, no one does....

And before all that, Charlotte has her last two volleyball games of this dreaded fall season. She had one of the two late last night. Charlotte was called in to serve the last 3 winning points. She rose to the occasion and rocked it. It was their "pink out" for Breast Cancer game. Needless to say, who was in charge of the balloons. LOL 

Then tomorrow night, Wednesday, her LAST late game away at 7 PM. Dear. Lord.

It was rough getting out of bed this morning at 5 AM. Real rough. Poor Charlotte was so sore and groggy. But duty calls, right? School awaits. Sigh.

Lots of different things happening all at once ya' know? I had a moment of shock and reality that Halloween is next week then the fast track to Christmas and the girl's birthday. Panic has set in. So I jumped online to start the holiday haul. Gifts should be rolling in here and there, but I definitely needed to jumpstart it all today. I feel better too. It's difficult with her birthday on Dec 1st and Christmas 3 weeks later. Gotta split it all up and make it special for two different occasions. I've gotten really good at this and timing but this fall has flew by and we are tiiiiired and never home.

So I'm glad I got that ball rolling. Still have stuff to do but thank goodness for online everything!

Okay all. Wishing you a great mid-week check in!


