The Softball Chronicles Continue...

 Happy Columbus Day guys!

No school, much needed rest day for sure. I mentioned Charlotte's tournament on Saturday was canceled for the rain, but we made up for it and then some as we left the house Sunday morning at 6 AM, which meant the alarm sounded at 5 AM to get Char dressed, fed and equipment out the door. It was an hour away out east on Long Island . We were there, wait for it... ELEVEN hours. Let's have a moment of silence for us, shall we? Her first game was at 8 AM, with a player arrival to check in at 7 AM, Fine, fine, they played and won. Next game started at 11 AM, fine, fine, they won. Third game was supposed to start at 1:15 PM, so we had time in between to run to a diner out there and grab lunch, raced back to the field because the coach wanted the kids there by 12:15- Well, this is the horrible portion of the story. They had us wait until 4:15 to start the third game. I know. Awful and not cool. By now, the sun was setting. They played the last game and lost. We got in the car  and it took us an hour to get home. Jesus Lord above. It was insane. We were exhausted.

Thank goodness for Columbus Day off today. We slept in, Web is still battling his sickness, Charlotte was able to rest her body and mind, did all of her homework and was able to go meet her girlfriends for lunch at Panera. I cleaned up the garden, Web mowed, I made Charlotte pumpkin bread and just finished my schoolwork. She has two late 7-9 pm volleyball games this week and NO tournament next weekend! You heard me - breaaaathe. Maybe, for once, we can actually enjoy a weekend?

The only commitment she has is next Sunday a Cancer Walk for a club in school down at Jones Beach. Hallelujah!   

Now if I could only find a day for us to squeeze in the Christmas card pic I would be a very happy girl :)

Lots coming down the road for us in the next few weeks. Charlotte is in her friend's Sweet 16 "Court" in the beginning of December, so that's a full weekend of fun for her. Web and I were also invited to that big party. I am hosting Thanksgiving this year, so I have some planning to do with Mom for that. Thank goodness we have off that Wednesday before. I started slowly shopping for Charlotte for Christmas. Marina is turning the big Sweet 16 right after Christmas this year! I can't believe it.

Lots happening. All good.

Hope this fall day is treating you well.



