The Last Dance.

 Happy Friday Eve y'all!

Well, the little vballer had her last (insert applause) game last night. We didn't get home until around 10 PM and we are dragging! She played well. But honestly, like I mentioned before, I wasn't a big fam of this coach and her style and I'm really happy not to spend two late nights a week witnessing it. So yeah, the girl is tired from a busy/sick fall and needs some down time. Some time to rest her body and brain ya know? She still has softball, but now that this is off the table, I'm hoping she'll get back to a less stressful place.

So yes, we are super excited to have danced that "last dance" last night. But I can barely keep my eyes open.

She has a late softball practice tonight and is staying after school for 2 hours to get community service for Honor Society. She's done so much volunteering this fall on top of everything else she's already reached her service hour quota. Go her.

Dad's back is still giving him issues with pinched nerves, herniated discs, you name it. So he's going for an epidural tomorrow and hopefully it will help along with some medication. Fingers crossed.

Next week is a crazy busy week for us teachers here. I mentioned Halloween, Parent- Teacher Conferences from 7-9 PM and 2 hour Prof Dev after school. And Char has a softball tournament Sat and Sun this weekend AND next weekend. OY!

One day at a time right? We get bombarded with trick or treaters here on the corner. I better get to buying some candy ASAP. Just add it to the list. 

Okay guys, it was in the 70's here today, felt like summer, this weather needs some meds! LOL

(gorgeous here today)

Love to all

